
Comments (3)

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Dont forget to share the game!!

After the game releases, look forward to a new version that will begin development then with reworked graphics and music done by me!


PortalstrucK (EARLY DEMO)

Version: 0.0.1almost 4 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

PortalstrucK sample music

PortalstrucK is a riveting tale of a person who walked through a rift in space and wound up in a very large pocket dimension. This pocket dimension is so large contains entire KINGDOMS. Your actions will give you tokens, you could get the evil tokens, or the one good token, or the ultimate token.

#portalstruck #action #adventure #rpg #retro #strategy #other #fun #scifi #survival #portal #pixel #pointnclick #puzzle

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Crass Humor

Here is some sample gameplay! =)

Upon release, the game will be $9.99 for PC/Mac/Linux and 5.99 for mobile