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WWw.NicholasONealBlume.Com has the version that works better, this build here is letting the spheres clip through the walls which keeps the reminder to "move your hands in your mind" from working.

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US Intelligence collaboration ap fusion : lucid dreams used as a monitor (introduction)

Version: 0.1.1almost 6 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

How to live forever

US Intelligence collaboration ap fusion "where all can actually defend Earth with SMS" : lucid dreams used as a monitor "advanced introduction to the use of lucid dreaming as a monitor" (training introduction)
(live painting/sketching activating music sensors 3dwebgl & phone ap using lucid dreams as a monitor while rewriting starlight waves to particles)

Lucid Dreams used as a monitor test, move mouse until you pass out

select one of three options of what to visualize while you lucid dream.
Flying or International Space Station or Intelligence Officer Control Room

audio reminds you to move your hands in your mind.
when you pass out you stop moving the mouse and the audio stops reminding you of your hands.
only your selection of what to lucid dream is heard then.
The more vivd the lucid dream becomes the less control you have.
When moving your hands in your mind you become aware you are dreaming and are able to visualize anything you can think of, though you are unable to remember what to think when waking up in the morning so these aps help you.

Lucid dreaming is heaven and/or hell on Earth so make sure people who don't like you don't know you are lucid dreaming.

email [email protected] for AR controls allowing intricate controls of what to visualize.

you can also play your own audio of what to remind yourself to lucid dream.

email [email protected] for the AR cellphone ap allowing you to be President Trump toggling cctv expansion of consciousness in the Oval Office "observe and control battlefield"
"1st person command of troops"
"fly F35... ground support"
"Space Station Experiment...Space X is here"
"mechanism of light time travel the universe to any thought throughout time"
"animal and plant life control"
"assign tasks for Americans sleeping plugged in into the production grid"
"add creative brain power to innovators with externalized minds"

Lucid dreaming used as a monitor is the foundation of the mind's consciousness externalization and is used when immortalizing us. Our consciousness is controlled by 4 areas of the brain allowing us to stint it until you consciously see your brain sleeping.

WWw.NicholasONealBlume.Com #survival #other #strategy #horror #retro

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