
Use Friends to get Out (Spawn Object Correction)
Use Friends to get Out (Keyboard Control Correction)
Use Friends to get Out (maybe it can be call a "prototype")
Edit 2: Yo, it seem than I forgot to add the game on early acess, so the package seem to not show up, now it's done
Use Friends to get Out (or U.F.O) is a Game where you have to use your Friends for survive, [you are in a spaceship and them are crash into an asteroid and] you and your friends are seperate from each other and have no way to join you, [plus you have an alien on board who try to kill you and are attracted by sound]. With that, you have ressources (O2, food, electricity, fuel, communication, ect...) that you must watch out for and a need of satiety:
-If O2 fall to 0 you will lose HP
-If Food fall to 0, you cannot feed you, and you will lose HP if your satiety are at 0
-If Electricity fall to 0, O2 / Food decrease and Communication are cut
-If Fuel fall to 0, Electricity decrease
And if Communication is cut, you cannot know your level of : O2 / Food / Electricity / Fuel, [and know where the Alien are].
For help you to have ressources, you can get them with box, if you do your task, you will not need them, but if you lose some, it will be usefull to keep one of them apart
[On spaceship], you can also find tools, who are usefull for repear damage [on spaceship], and stop to lose ressources.
You have task who will appear, you just have to go and repear it with no cost, but if you don't to them in a while, they will cause problem who decrease your ressource and need an object for repear it :
Ex : If you have a pipe who will explode, if you don't repear them, it will explode and cause leak of fuel, and you will need scotch for repear it, and if you don't have it, you will have Fuel go to 0 and you gonna lose Electricity.
Thats here when Friends intervene :
Even if you can't joins us, you and your Friends can give to other objects (tools, box of ressources, ect...) or you can steal there ressources if you have the right tool.
[You can also ring an alarm in their part of spaceship, and attracted the alien in.]
But be carefull !
If your Friends die, they cannot help you anymore [and alien will not go on their part of spaceship (exept if you or another ring their alarm)]
EDIT : So, you maybe see some text with that [] (like this [I'm a text]), it's normal, it's because the texte in are thing than I want to implement but, at time than I talk, I haven't add, because I have lose too many hours for do it, so for the text in, don't try to see it in game, it's not done, maybe I will work on it later, but not before 1 week, because after that 2 Week of Game Jam (that are my first) I need a break
#other #action #multiplayer #survival #strategy #GameJamGX #scifi