
Vaporwave Migraine
Vaporwave Migraine Demo
Vaporwave Migraine
Vaporwave Migraine is a 3D version of an Old-School #retro #shooter #action #arcade game based on old arcade shooters like Galaga, Galaxian and Space Invaders.

The game is simple.
You use A & D to move Left & Right
You can use W to put up your Shield.
You press Space to Shoot.
You Cannot Shoot While Your Shield Is Up.

A - Your Score (Duh)
B - Wave Indicator, It Shows what wave you are on (Also Duh)
C - Currently Playing Song FOR MAXIMUM AWESOME
D - Health Indicator
E - Shield Indicator, Will Fade When Your Shield Is Recharging
F - How Many Lives you Have
G - Your player. Your Entire Ship is NOT the hitbox. Only the front of your ship's Cockpit.
H - An Enemy. You can shoot at them, damage them, and kill them. Their HP is shown above them.