
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Game is fun, but there could be some fun audio or sound effects inside of the game to make it better. +When I played the game, after a few waves, everything will just stop coming, no enemies will spawn, that is kind of weird to be honest...

Ok, I've replayed your game, here is some critisisms, the settings doesn't work when I press it, when I finish a level, it doesn't go to the next one, when I click on the next level, the enemy doesn't move, maybe you can fix that a bit...but overall, it definitly looks better then the previous build...


Vormen vs Formen 0.1.1

Version: 0.1.1almost 3 years ago
It's the same but now with a main menu and a level select screen. There is only 1 level so it's for the future.

Vormen vs Formen

Version: 0.1.0almost 3 years ago

A little tower defence game, that was a school project but now a little game where i work on time to time. It has simple grapfichs, there is only simple shapes nad colors. #strategy #arcade #retro

Game develpement start on: 15-09-2021

Animated Bloodshed

Finally there is a working website build of the game.

Just uploaded the second playable version.

At the moment working on a main menu and a level select screen.

Yooooo 9 downloads in 2 days.