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WE NEED WIFI - Browser Version

Version: 1.0.2over 3 years ago

WE NEED WIFI - Download Version

Version: 1.0.3over 3 years ago
For those who just want to play as a EXE file

END OF SUPPORT - As per Open Creative Policy, This game would no longer received update and support for this platform. Other platform are unaffected.

You are a Alien race entering to earth to conduct a probe on its life but when you tried to send the information to the mothership there one problem the internet on earth suck. your goal is to steal someone's wifi signal while avoiding the government hitting on your wifi stealing problem below your UFO ship.

How to play

you only need to move your UFO probe around.

Stealing wifi if possible before time runs out

Replenish your time by stealing wifi.

While your UFO is invulnerable to the attacks your wifi stealing probe isn't.

Arrow key (Player 1)

WASD Key (Player 2)


Version 0.2.0 Release

- Hello there We need Wifi 0.2.0 have been released.

Please take note this is a incomplete version and there is still no game over screen implemented. TO restart the game please press ESC to return to menu