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Web Calculation Game
Have a spin. Please note, some bugs may still show. Report them on my repository!
This is just a quick calculation practice game, written in Scyndi.
In this game you can simply practice some easy maths, such as +, -, | and x and try to see if you really know your multiplication tables.
This game has been re-written many times in many different languages. This particular version has been written in the Scyndi programming language, and experimental transcompiler language written in Go, which can currently transcompile to Lua and JavaScript, and hopefully so more languages may be included in the future. It really depends on how I can work things out. ;)
This "game" primary function is most of all, to show what Scyndi can do. Although Scyndi can inline "real code" (meaning those pieces of code are just literally copied in stead of translated) and can also interface identifiers of the target language, it is kinda tempting to write too much JavaScript code, well and to be frank as I still need to set up proper libraries for Scyndi for many things (and Scyndi not yet able to use 'delegates' as they are called in C#), I was forced to still do some stuff in 'pure' JavaScript, but I did as much in Scyndi as I could.
If you are interested the source files written in Scyndi can be found here. Although it goes without saying, that since Scyndi is currently not a widely used language, github does not syntax highlight it (and even deems the project an HTML project, hahaha).
In case you care to know, yes, Scyndi was named after a certain girl from a certain game of mine, looking like this, yes...
#experimental #ownprogramminglanguage #scyndi #scyndilangauge #calculating #educational