Comments (1)
Cute graphics, nice modes! I included it in my Dreamhack Summer Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)
Wizard Vs. Robot
Wizard hates Robot because he's made of metal. Robot hates Wizard because magic defies logic. They hate each other, and now they want to fight each other.
Move Wizard with the keyboard, and Robot with the mouse. Shoot each other for 60 seconds. Wizard can only shoot in four directions, and robot can only move in the direction of the cursor.
There are four game modes: One-on-One (no gimmicks), In a Crowd (where you'll be mixed in with very similar-looking robots and wizards), Clone Mania (where shooting the player produces a clone), and Shoot the Crowd (where there's a crowd of wizards and robots, and you can earn points by shooting them).
A local Two Player game only. NukeOTron's entry for 2019 DreamHack Summer Jam, under the Magic Vs. Science theme.