
Comments (4)

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cool bro

Felt like I've played through the Twin Peaks episode


Xeno Effect 3D Demo (Abandoned Version)

Version: 0.1.0over 4 years ago

A classic fps game in the vein of Doom and Half-Life.

#FPS #Classic #Retro #Xeno #Demo #Retribution #RetributionEngine #Shooter #Action #3D #Doom #HalfLife



Pistol = Resident Evil

Pistol Ammo = Merdji23

Campfire by Centrixe

Horse Fountain by Models124717

Player SMG = Kelisei Ventura

Enemy SMG = FartFish

Shotgun = SuperMopsek

Shotgun Ammo = Alex Sanches

Tiger = Zoo Tycoon 2

Wall Torch = Mary Spencer

Wall Switch = Sam Feng

Column Torch = Mavriarch

UFO = Colony Wars Vengeance

Alieh Drone = Colony Wars Vengeance

Butterfly Knife = FOLKLORE

Bandage Roll = Tactical_Gamer

Paper Bag = Animal Crossing New Horizons

Syringe = Mountrise

Coffin 1 = Berron Garcia

Coffin 2 = KDN

Gondola = Aaron Ongena

Venice Lamppost = Aaron Ongena

Barrel = Double Dragon Neon


Punch = Hotline Miami 2

Character Sounds = Tomb Raider 3

Secret Jing = Tomb Raider

Shotgun = Hotline Miami

Lever Pull = Tomb Raider

Tiger Bite = Tomb Raider 3

Alien Drone Shot = Nuclear Throne

Door Open = Tomb Raider 2

Knife Stab = Hotline Miami

Button Press = Tomb Raider 2

Wall Switch = Tomb Raider 2


Meadows Ambience = Blood

Venice Ambience = Tomb Raider 2

Temple Ambience = Tomb Raider 3

Ominious Track = Tomb Raider 2

Spooky Track 2 = SV Bond

Coffin Room Theme = Clock Tower

Sewers Ambience = Nuclear Throne


Meadows Textures = Tomb Raider 2

Red Liquid = besthqwallpapers

Venice Textures = Tomb Raider 2 HD Remaster

Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

I'm thinking of rebooting this game on the GZDoom engine instead, the tools are less laborious and I like Doom anyway and with GZDoom it's even better, I've been trying Ultimate Doombuilder and Slade and they're easy to pick up.