Comments (29)
Not bad, I played it for about a 15 minutes then lost interest sadly but I enjoyed it none the less.
Thank-you for the shout-out! And you could potentially reach 1000 downloads on this before 2017, while my biggest game got only like 130. Good Job.
im going to make a let's play on this (probally on tuesday)
OK I guess
Youtube Tycoon Beta
Current Version: beta 0.7.0
First Version: beta 0.3.0
You are the developer of youtube, to keep everyone on you constantly update you page! Famous Youtubers will become more noticeable.
Feel free to do videos and upload them.
Updates are Coming!
Coming in beta 0.7.0: If you get a message saying, Acheivements.name of acheivement(true);
don't worry it means you just unlocked an acheivement!
Html Hacker
CSS Hacker
Javascript Hacker
More Coming Soon...
Hacker Effect:
Html Hacker:
Removes all html files.CSS Hacker:
Removes all css files.JavaScript Hacker:
Removes all javascript files.
Network Effect:
Earn Random amounts of money.
Computer Crash:
lose a random amount of files.
Ninety9Lives & WispX:
Sparkling Tides