
Comments (1)

What do you think?

I liked it, good job on making a decent RPG


A Gang of Weirdos

Version: 0.2.0over 8 years ago


A game that was made in RPG Maker MV as part of My First Game Jam over on Play as a creature that calls themself Mx. Gunslinger as they collect the souls of dying worlds so that they can revive their own.


  • One to two hour RPG

  • Characters I guess.

  • Two weeks worth of work.

  • Featuring a bunch of Yanfly scripts because everyone that uses RPG Maker MV needs their scripts.

v 1.1 Release:
-Heartbreak61's difficulty plug-in implemented - 3 difficulties available
-New title screen
-New music for two areas
-Item icons
-Other minor fixes

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence

v 1.1 Update!

A Gang of Weirdos has updated! Most of the stuff in the update is minor, but the biggest thing is the implementation of difficulty settings at the beginning of the game. The game page has also been updated so that it looks way less lazy.

First game on here, I guess.