
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Really nice concept! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the Adventure Jam games, if you’d like to take a look :)

Very creative!

A very cool concept.

Very creative concept!

A super innovative idea for a game, and it is pretty fun to play. Unfortunately, the game has a lot of Bugs.


A Tower And A Princess

Version: 0.9.0almost 9 years ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Princess Theme

Once upon a time, there was a princess lost in a high tower, and an awesome prince coming to save her, ready to fight against an enormous dragon.

Yes, you know that story. And you know what ?
I decided to change the script to do something... a little different.
I played with the text and for sure, you will be deep in the story now :D
Come with me and use the power of words and letters !

This game is an #AdvJam2016 entry and will tell you an awesome Adventure, with a Prince, a Princess and a Dragon.

Follow Us

  • Credits -
    Original Idea : Shoan Black and Grandbrinus
    Awesome Music : Shoan Black
    Quality Code : Grandbrinus
    An impressive game by the Infokub Arcade team

Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

To my dear followers

10s before the end


Follow @InfokubArcade on Periscope, we are streaming and talking while we rush the end of development ! Enjoy !