
Comments (52)

What do you think?

That's a really beautiful and enchanting game!
I liked it.

The scenery was pretty but I don't feel like it had enough substance to call it a game

Very short but very atmospheric, It's one of those games that makes you want to know more of the background and what experiment went wrong to cause the world to die.

Great Job for a student project and Icannot wait to see what you all make next.

Danger Gerbil plays A Window To The Past:

A very pretty game and I love the vibe of it, but as others have said it felt really short ._.

I made a video of it as well ^^

Not that I don't liked it, because I did! But I have to say that there really wasn't a lot too it.. Especially considering there was a team of 4 people working on this. Again, not saying it's bad, but it could have been more!

My let's play:


A Window to the Past

Version: 1.0.0almost 9 years ago


Typhilus is an old magician, living in solitude in his tower. He has once lived a happy life, people visited him and his wife in their beautiful home and the surrounding forest was thriving and full of magical creatures. But when an experiment went wrong, everything changed ...

Help Typhilus escape his misery, he just needs one last ingredient for the magic potion to undo everything.


Navigate the magician through the cursed forest and find the magic herb to finish the magic potion. Along the way you will find memories of a happier past.

Note: This is a short but atmospheric game with focus on environment and visual storytelling.

About the Project

This game was created for the Game Art and Design course at the University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg / Austria.


  • Alexander Altendorfer

  • Martin Greiner

  • Eva Krinninger

  • Susanne Teufelauer

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