
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Can't wait to play this! I remember the very early stages, honestly really excited can't wait to see how far this project has come

hella cute ngl

This looks amazing! Can't wait to see more!

Kill demons, pet your dog, resist possession, frequent the local nightclub, try not to get shot by police - but most importantly, do as Ellie says.

A Bad Day At Work is a 2D supernatural adventure game.


Check out some of the soundtrack:

redwoe on twitter:


Read the below devlogs for more info.

#2d #sidescroller #adventure #supernatural #story

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Art Overhaul

The team has gained an artist! This has allowed us to both improve the art in existing levels, and have more pretty art in new ones.

More updates coming soon!

P.S. sorry for dodgy gif compression!

Update: First round of closed demo testing

A Bad Day At Work: News/Current Plans