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Abyssal: A Revenant's Tale.
Meant to be a Final Fantasy-esque game, it includes many of the old features of FF. Including an Active Time Battle system, a Questline overview, and much more.
Control Overview
Being made in RPG Maker MV, Abyssal uses the normal Controls, they are quite simple and will be explained ingame.
You are a Revenant, one of 8 cognitive zombies that can think, speak, and act for yourself. You are not quite sure how you came to be like this, but you are different in ways that none of the others are. You cannot be controlled by anything, not even the Rot which keeps all the others in line, affects you. The Zombie Horde will leave to destroy the Good Races's Kingdoms. You must decide whether you want to be obedient, and help the Dark Lord to erase all from the world...or go against your creator, and fight in an unwinnable war against Him. What will you do?
Developer: HellZDarkArkon
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling