Comments (1)
Visually pleasing, fun, a bit goofy. At a certain point I just started rapidly pressing the space bar, which basically let me kill the hell out of everything; I only died when something spawned too close for me to react. That didn't detract from the fun of it, though, not one bit. It reminded me a little bit of Cactus's "xWung", one of my favourite games; I mean this as a compliment, in terms of the kind of fun gameplay your game provides, not as any kind of accusation of derivativeness. It's wholly original and completely accessible, and so for that you get a "4".
Not my best game, but it's still unique. Made for Zack's Elasticity Contest. In Acupuncture, you control a frog which can shoot out red bullets which you control by using red string. You hold down space to shoot out the red bullets(Up to 300) and then you can release space to make the bullets fling towards you. This will help you kill enemies. If a red string is on an enemy, that lets you know that when you release space, the bullet will kill it. This game was normally suppose to be about a frog that can shoot out it's tongue and eat bugs, kind of like a "Pyoro" parody, but I ended up with this instead -_-