Comments (11)
just played through the game and i have to say that it's fantastic!) it's a simple, but very sweet and relaxing fantasy adventure with very good humour, tough battles, a battle system that is easy to get into but has its own intricacies and, to top it all off, very well-done characters with great designs and fun to see in action personalities!) the game isn't too long, too - it goes for as long as it needs to, kind of a golden medium - not too long, and not too short!) the humour was also great from the beginning till the end - the random cactuses that Roi (and i, too!) kept noticing, the pop culture references (mostly from Merlin, love our dumb magician) and Roi's signature "You don't get it, do you?" coupled with his self-aware personality are just one of the many great pieces of humour the game has to offer!) the gameplay itself is also great - it's a simple, meditative and relaxing process that has some room for exploration and NPC interaction while also never being boring!)
the game also has a lot of small, but, nevertheless, great details that make the overall experience all the more worthwhile!) like the ability to choose Roi's pronounce - it's a very player-friendly feature that you don't see a lot in modern games - always nice to have a bit of customization like that!) the level transitions inside of buildings being highlighted with stone tablets/shadows is a pretty nice way to point the player in the right direction!) all of the custom characters have some simple, but great character designs, but my favourite has to be Violet - i especially love her art from the game's banner - nice drawing, Angie!) Violet's locket being an actual in-game item that she wears is such a neat little detail that shows your attention to the game and love for the characters) the cave of crystals and rocks is such a genius way to use RPG Maker's rock and crystal assets that are usually very specific but fit just right in a place like this!) Aidan being on the autistic spectrum is a trait that you don't see often in modern games - this kind of representation is great!) next, i REALLY like that antagonist team has some entertaining personalities and also connections to the past of our main party - this way the conflict between the two parties becomes a lot more personal and makes the player a lot more invested in it!) the fact that the antagonist team has some cool chemistry and personalities also makes their battles and confrontations a lot more interesting then just fighting some huge ass dragon or a desert beast, jajaja!) i just love the parallels between the designs of Roi and Kei - the hair and the clothes being opposite of colors to each other hints heavily at the true nature of their relationship, which is great foreshadowing and some nice storytelling!) the boss gauntlet before the fight with Harmony's minotaur was awesome!) i love fighting things, and i especially love fighting some tough bosses, so, this part one was one of my favorite in the game!) the free heal after the bird monster was very appreciated, too. it's so nice that Roi's friends comforted him and helped him in his moments of panic/visions, usually characters will act a lot more shocked or lose composure but it's nice to see the main cast act rationally and supportively towards our hero!) the achievement room is such an awesome part of the game - it rewards the players for exploring every nook and cranny and for talking to all of the NPC's, which is great!) and even better, the items you get for completing all of the achievements aren't stupidly powerful, but still prove to be very useful in the battles that are to come - all in all, awesome!) and, finally, just like with The Wanted, the fact that the Jewel Master has his own personality and isn't just a mindless beast is a great detail - i also loved the scene after the final battle where the fate of each character gets revealed and, yep, Harmony is a bitch. talk about an ironic name, jajaja!)
i also really appreciated the trans/gay/autistic/lesbian and all other representations in the game, but the one that hit home the most is definitely Kei's representation - while i myself don't mind misgendering (she/her, by the way!), him having the power of self-awareness (or Antagonistes, as he likes to call it) hit quite close at home for me when i also had a period of wisdom, so to say - i started noticing real-life patterns that make the things go one way or another - kind of like real-life tropes, and it was very sad to see Kei get ridiculed by the villagers, but, oh well - i'm glad that in the end it turned out well for him!) oh, and it just so happens that i'm also an older sibling and have a younger brother. huh. maybe it's fate that i stumbled upon this game and Kei's character, jajaja!)
well, in any case, there are some problems and bugs that need to be adressed, too - i'll tell you about them in a follow-up comment, if you don't mind, since this one is too long for Gamejolt's standarts - bah!
Hey guys. I have just released an update to the game. Here are the patch notes
Fixed bug where Merlin's lightning spell did no damage
Fixed grammar errors
Please note that I am a solo game developer. Bugs are bound to happen.
But in all seriousness, thank you for the support.
bruh why do the second and the fourth guys on the banner look like they're eating somethin
A Hero's Purpose
A self-aware hero is chosen by the gods to find a jewel that can reveal someone's destiny. What adventures will they get into and who will they meet along the way?
Special game mechanic:
Pronouns: choose the protagonist's pronouns. Whatever your pronouns are, that will be the protagonist's pronouns.
WASD to move
Spacebar to interact
ESC to open menu
Find all the references and all six members of the adventurers #adventure #rpg
Flashing Lights/ Epilepsy Warning