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Airships 'N' Aliens

Version: 1.0.112 months ago

Airships 'N' Aliens is a short, arcade-style game that was developed in Unreal Engine 5 as part of a game design college course. Gameplay is technically infinite, however you're not expected to survive for much longer than a few minutes per round.

In this game, you find yourself on a flying pirate ship high above the clouds, armed with 3 cannons. Why would you need to use these cannons? Well you'll soon notice there are alien UFOs heading straight for you! You must man the cannons at once and fend off the hoarde for as long as you can.

Hitting UFOs with a cannonball will cause them to explode, if there are other UFOs within range of this explosion, they too will explode! This means you can cause giant chain-reaction explosions (Which becomes nessecary if you wish to survive once the difficulty peaks at about 2 minutes in).

If you keep an eye out, you may notice a big yellow ship unlike the others, travelling at a much faster speed. This ship is known as the Starship, it is unaffected by explosions from other UFOs so you must hit it directly with a cannonball before it reaches you (it deals a whopping 50 damage to your ship if it reaches you, as opposed to the regular 20). If you manage to take it out however, you'll be granted 7 seconds of star power on your cannon, allowing you to rapid-fire starlight cannonballs which are much faster than regular cannonballs, and they also peirce infinitely and have much lower gravity.

This game is pretty short and simple, there were other plans for it but time constraints left those plans in the dark. (Namely, there was planned to be an actual reason to walk around the ship and utilise all 3 cannons. But as it stands, there's really no reason to get off a cannon once you're on one.)

This is my first ever "Finished" game. I've made a few others before, but they've either been demos, unfinished, or a quick joke game. This is my first full game that had actual effort put into it. Hope you have fun!

Note: This game was designed for an arcade machine, meaning it's best played on a controller, however there is keyboard support, it's just not the optimal way to play.

#arcade #action #retro #shooter #survival

Cartoon Violence
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