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Albion Online Transportation Cost Сalculator

Version: 1.0.0over 2 years ago
Downloadable ZIP file (for the client version of Game Jolt)

Albion Online Transportation Cost Сalculator (Installer)

Version: 1.0.0over 2 years ago
Downloadable installer program (for the brouser version of Game Jolt)

I've made this tool to calculate the costs of my friends' cargos transportations, and decided to let everybody use it.

  • "Cargo weight" field is for a weight of a cargo, that you need to transport.

  • "Cargo price" field is for an estimated market value of a cargo, that you need to transport (it doesn't effect the final cost of your transportation it is just used to calculate it's 10% to compare it with the final transportation cost).

  • "Discount" slider is just a convenient way to assign a discount.

  • "... location coefitient" sliders are used to represent the risk of trasporting a cargo through each location type in Albion Online.

  • "... locations amount" fields are for an amount of each location type in Albion Online on your route.

  • "... repair" and "... transportation" checks are used to include the price of repairing or transporting back to the initial city the corresponding items of eighth tier, third enchantment and masterpiece quality.



So I've released the final stable version of the tool, that initially was made for myself. But I've decided to publish it online and let everyone use it. You can read, how to use the calculator in the discription of the game page.