DOOM: All Over Again (Episode 1: One More Time)
It's been about six years since you've began to rip and tear your way through the hordes of demons that threaten humanity, and it's starting to get old. Returning to the original site of the demon infestation once more, you notice there's more of the suckers than you remember. That can't be good.
DOOM: All Over Again is my new(ish) MegaWad project of which I am excited to announce the Episode 1 release!
This .WAD, "One More Time", contains eight heart-stoppingly hard maps (to me, at least) which form one of four parts in an overarching story.
Standard DOOM fare really; collect keys, kill demons, and find secrets!
Especially find secrets. Otherwise, you're gonna have one hell of a time.
This WAD requires TNT: Evilution be used as the IWAD.
It was designed speficially for ZDoom and if you play it with other source ports, your mileage may vary as this WAD relies heavily on the ZMAPINFO file.