Comments (13)
I thought the game was okay, but I would suggest that the game should be given more depth. I love it's simplicity, but it is too simple. Maybe give characters more unique energy attacks(Ex. Super Man could use ice breathe to freeze opponents or Lathern can shoot a random green object with unique properties), have a rock-paper-scissor combat sysyem(attacks beat blocks, block attacks beat/reflect projectiles, projectiles beat attacks), or have items that you can batter someone with(Ex. swords, bats, wood). The game is just boring at it's current state...
If I suggested a superhero... Saitama from one punch man should do the trick!
Just kidding, I would say to have Captain Marvel (the new one) as a playable character. Her final smash could be a ray of swords!
cool love the ideal
The graphics are awesome!
Try putting for a game option like rookie,hero,or superhero (easy,normal,hard)
Amalgam Battle
Current version : 0.3b
A smash-bros like game with DC and Marvel characters. The game is still in development and I'm listening to all comments (ideas, bugs ...).