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Hi! welcome to my little page, i am Anion. Currently learning godot and working on my own first game :3

StarGem: between worlds

Short story: Long, long time ago, an acient civilisation made a huge inovation. They didn't knew it had side effects, until it was to late. Their world shattered in to pieces, people were lost in multiple realms. Now time has come, to fix what has been done. To restore broken world, you were recruited to help bring land back piece by piece, save lost ones or well... you can just mind your own bussines, explore world and have a nice garden.

Gameplay will be focused on exploration.

Keep in mind i am one person team and developement of game will be very slow and might be various changes in game story and style.

OS: windows

#godot #pixelart #gamedev #indieGame #indieDev #devLog


Short inventory update

#godot #solodev #devlog


Inventory design in progress. Currently player can change color and pick diferent amount with scroll button.

#devlog #godot #indiedev


Working on a game menu. Each gem will be used for a specific function. Inspired by compass star.

#gamedev #devlog #pixelart #godot #indiegame #indiedev