Comments (4)
I even followed your game plz
Also nice game
Hai dude. I saw u have sonic mania for android (but it doesnt move) could i please send it to me
APerfect Genocide puzzle pack
Game Soundtrack
- 1.I need a hero to save the bridge and pingu friends
- 2.why
- 3.cry.exe
- 4.why i am stupid?
- 5.shity boi
- 6.mega shit ready?
- teszek az életemel
- 8.just one word i love you :)
- 9.pinga s life with his wife pingu
- 10.god of war
- 11.pingu kill pingas
- 12.hello boi ich scribe to schribsiokob my gaiden boi boi boys ready to party opdksofmosdm lol k g t x d
- 13.i love you too boi the feelings are goonna blow my mind up
- 14.gonna fall offffffffffff ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cj my bro follow the album with has train
- 15.meghalok a meme világba
- 16.halál note (deadth note) ready to cry like a baby?
- 17.trip from meme world
- dick is gross
- 19.the xd adventure
- boi my boi
- 21.we are number shit face my cj carl bro dankes boi in the country
- 22.catherina cj gonna fuck you runnnnnnnnnn like a bitch wait you are a bitch hehehe nyehehe papyrus
the woah comes to give you nightmare boi this give you nightmare yah einze spiele mit meine guten tag meinen heirnen ich spielschte dis spiel mit meinte pc ich haÜse mister gaster du bist einen klug beacuse you play meine fan spielt bit deine ein hernen fan game én vagyok mister gaster és te vagy egy okos ember mert játszol a fanomal R rocnownh gaster Tá mé mister gaster mitá siná pelaa omae wa mou shindeiru i have two number nine one with cheese and a large soda cj followed that damn train noot noot polices are here to arrest you noot noot shut up my face noot noot end of the song i need a hero to bring the bridge down beacuse we need a hero to see my nasty stuff