Comments (18)
I like the idea <3
Whooo, got a bit dizzy there ^o^. A cool game overall, nice idea! :P
I like the idea, the music and the graphics :) I get a bit dizzy, when the rotation gets faster^^
Cool game!
(I got a highscore of 179055.47, yay?)
Just came here after you posted a comment on my game. Wanted to inform you that to enter the #dreamhackjam your game has to be free ;~; ! Quote:
"Does my game have to be free?
Yes. All games made for this jam must be completely free."
So, in case you didn't read the FAQ (like most didn't xD) that's apparently a rule :).
Really good concept and I loved your art style and music is awesome!
There seems to be a problem with fullscreen, you may have to press f to go into windowed mode, you may be able to press f to go back to fullscreen.
vote for it here http://jams.gamejolt.io/dreamhackjam/games/apoceclipse/287590
description thingy
the planets have lined up
the apoceclipse has started
move the earth avoid obstacles
move earth: left and right arrow keys
space: to start
m: mute music
f: toggle fullscreen
c: clear highscore (it saves upon exit)