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Formula Racing - WIP Build - 08/Apr/2016
Time trial mode only, first 5 tracks are unique, rest are dupes, no end to races either yet.
Formula Racing is a classic overhead view racing game inspired from retro racers such as The arcade classic Monaco GP and F1 Race on the gameboy.
The aim is to have both time trial and full grand prix season modes available and on a cartridge once I'm all finished with it. Currently only time trial is enabled, with UK 1,2,3 and USA 1,2 tracks implemented.
There's a lot left to do but a lot done so far, including Colour Gameboy Support and, I'm currently figuring out how to add Super Gameboy Only Features including some enhanced sounds, border, etc.
Left and right steer, up boosts once you're going fast enough, hve fun with this WIP, I'm dedicated to finishing this one off!