Comments (9)
i did the best score and i dont even how lol xd
An interesting aproach of the Enduro machanics! I needs a little polish but it's fun ! Good job!
If you feel like it, you can also check out our jam entry
Funny Game!. We couldn't take the first place on the scoreboard!. There was good racers who played before!. :)
What do you think about your game? http://goo.gl/Do2lPh
Top score, alright!
Neat game, add some pictures of your game to this page! I included it in part 12 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/OHjMWNA8ZbM
An old school racer arcade game. Battle with friends to see who's complete racer in best time. #indiesvsgamers
Left/right keys to side move car
Up/down to accelerate/deacelerate car
S to publish score to game jolt (after complete the race)
Space to start