Comments (11)
The idea is unique however after reaching certain levels in which RNG starts kicking in, it gets annoying as you need to rely on luck to avoid bumping into enemies in your path. Speaking of path, the path doesn't change as level progresses
Other than that, the game is fun and challenging
Love this game a lot. Finished it with hard difficulty and it was a pleasure to blast through!
Nice to see new mechanics, but it's a chore to play through it, just holding space bar and spinning around all the time.
Really nice, challenging, unique game!

I got up to the boss but it was just too much for me! Often the Triangles would fly into me before I had a chance to kill them. Sometimes they spawned right next to me, hitting me for most of my health. This felt pretty unfair, but aside from this the rest of the game was pretty good!
Game Soundtrack
24 levels
hardcore shooter
awesome soundtrack
lot of fun!
music by http://grayscale.scene.pl/