Comments (13)
Superb graphics, nice music and atmosphere! Unfortunally I was very lagg on my pc, I couldn't really play it. :(
Anyway nice work! Keep it up!
If you feel like it, you can also check out our jam entry
Aw, this looked so incredible, but then I had so many technical problems :/ Game wouldn't accept my token, camera wouldn't look up or down, mouse cursor would leave the game area all the time. It really kept me from concentrating on what was going on in the game, I'm afraid. It did look very good for a 72 hour jam entry though!
If you're looking for some jam entries to play yourself, feel free to give my one a go if you're into 80s arcade games at all! It's even got a little contest revolving around it that you can read up on in the game's description! http://gamejolt.com/games/indies-vs-gamers-2084/80489
If you'd like to, leave me a comment on the game's page and consider placing a vote if you like the game! Thank you very much for checking it out if you do! Seeya around :)
It looks amazing, though the first jump just doesnt want to work? I included it in part 10 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/RGzgW-KIZ9g
It looks really cool, but it plays really slow on my PC. :< I'll play this some more at a friend's later today, though... it looks irresistable :3
Would you consider checking my game out to repay the favor? http://gamejolt.com/games/raiden-hakusan/80298
Why can't I look up and down?
Arcane Arcade
Arcane Arcade is a game created for the indiesvsgamers game jam. You find yourself stuck in an old arcade from 1974, and you must find a way to leave. Fortunately, the machines in the arcade have some interesting properties which may aid you in your escape... Good luck.
**NB - If you are unable to look up or down, attempt reloading. This is a problem with Unity 5's First Person Controller, and is not persistent - it is seemingly random. Pressing Escape will unlock the mouse, and hovering over a machine and pressing E should load that scene and may solve the issue. I apologize greatly but have not found a fix for this. The problem is described in detail here: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/963144/problem-with-mouse-look-with-fps-controller.html with no fix...
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed