Comments (4)
Really nicely made game. I included it in part 26 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/jrv7vlDEzrw

Interestinh gameplay, nice graphics! I miss a little the hole arcade theme. Anyway nice work, keep it up!
If you feel like it, you can also check out our jam entry
Armored Rascals
Armored Rascals is arcade top-down shooter based on various military vehicles. Capture territories to add new vehicles to your squad and jump into them at any time to utilize right weapon for right situation.
-4 types of vehicles: combat car, tank, helicopter and jet;
-Different weapons: machinegun, heavy machinegun, cannon, rockets and missiles;
-Dynamic and intense gameplay - every shot could be your last;
-Quick transition between 4 different playstyles and controls;
-Randomly generated map;
WSAD - movement controls;
Mouse - aim;
Left Mouse Button - attack;
E - swapping between your vehicles.
You have 4 vehicles - use them to kill the enemy and capture the base. Than go to the next sector and do the same. Each sector will grant you random bonus: new vehicle, points multiplier, armor upgrade for all vehicles and armor repair for all vehicles.
Armor is represented by white lines around your vehicle. It will protect your from some damage.
Machineguns and rockets can hit air targets, cannons - don't.
HMMVWs are equipped with light machinegun.
Tanks are equiped with cannons.
Helicopters are equipped with heavy machine gun (more damage).
Planes are equipped with dumbfire rockets.