Comments (15)
not bad xd
You could add something to show the player when it get hit, and something to made pick up food more satisfying, stop for some frames when pick up food could works! At the end my eyes hurt a little bit because those up and bottom rectangles are too fast!
You should stop the game and show the score at the end, i kept the game running while writing this, and the player is faster than the bullets right now, haha!
Keep up! :)
Dat title...The Based God would be proud :)
Pretty cool game
Simple game, but very well made. I included it in part 1 of my Let’s Cook Jam compilation video series!
Let That Boy Cook
You are a burger, trying to fight your way out of the grime of the kitchen!
Move using WASD, shoot with ENTER.
Try to pick up food on the ground, and try not to get hit!
Too weak to play the normal version? Activate Easy Mode with Control.
Part of the #letscookjam
Music is "Discofuck" by Eduardo Fahey
Artwork provided by Eeve Somepx
Parvas font by Jupiter Hadley
Mild Cartoon Violence