
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Don't Change The Look Of This Game This Is Amazing Artstyle


Welcome to Another Sonic 2 Remake! A hand crafted re-imagining of 8 Bit Sonic 2, designed to be a prequel to 16 bit Sonic 2! Inspired by the amazing music, fan games and YouTube content created by the Sonic community and the "digitised" games of the 90's.

This demo originally made it's debut on the Sonic Fan Game HQ as part of the Sonic Amateur Games Expo! This is the latest v2.1 for Windows

This project aims to:
- Honour the original game's difficulty
- Modernise the gameplay to Sonic 3&K/Mania Standards
- Re-imagine the level design & Boss fights
- Tell a story that connects it to the 16 bit games.

This demo features:
- Hand drawn and digitised art
- Brand new remixes scouted from across the Sonic Community
- Spin Dash, Peel Out, Drop Dash... And more!
- 7 complete Acts to explore!
- 5 Bosses
- Boss Rush Mode
- Time/Score Attack Mode
- Casual/No Rings Modes

This game is powered by the Open Surge engine, a free and open source learning tool!

Arrow Keys: Movement
Space Bar : Jump
Enter: Pause/Reset(Time Attack)
Esc: Exit
=: Screenshot
F12: Debug Mode
Xbox One:
D-Pad: Movement
A/B/X/Y: Jump
Select: Back/Quit
Start: Pause/Reset(Time Attack)
Other Controllers:
I recommend adding this demo to your steam library and mapping the keyboard controls to your controller of choice. I received confirmation that PS4 controllers also work via DS4Windows

Known Issues that I would like to fix (but do not yet possess the knowhow):
You can reset any level if you experience any rare softlocks. Press F12 to enter debug mode then press Ctrl + R to reset the stage.
- The Barrels in Sky High Zone Act 2 do not like being drop dashed into
- Audio mixing has not been properly balanced
- Aqua lake Act 2's main gimmick is not polished, causing the water level to sometimes behave erratically.
- The game features no save for level progress

#fangame #platformer #retro #sonic #remake #reimagining

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

I don't know why I didn't do this sooner, but AS2R is now on gamejolt! I wonder if this will reach new users? It's been a while since I have been actively developing, but I am starting to think about working on a 3rd version of the current demo.