Comments (17)
Wow, those characters look really good for text. How small is the font?
Did development stop on this?
Awesome ASCII game! The only problem is that Q and E keys seem not to work in my game :/
Sorry to be mean here, but this is not ASCII.
Do you know what is ASCII brother?
ASCII is actually the whole code you did there for the game, but not the game when you play it itself, adding a graphical element won't make it any different from other Craft games, it's just not ASCII.
Wan't some ASCII? Make digits instead of cubes.
For example, what you might wan't to do instead of grayline effect is this;
Sorry, i just can't give you rating yet. I am looking what else can you squeeze out of this game for enjoyment, so good luck. :)
AsciiCraft is a Minecraft-like game made in C++, entirely composed by ASCII graphics.
Imagine a world in where you can build, mine, fight monsters, defend your fort, gather materials and everything you wanted to do, that's AsciiCraft!
Punch trees! Break rocks and minerals! Don't kill the pig! (nah, kill him).
W - Jump
A, D - Walk left and right.
Q, E - Dig and place blocks.
1-8 - Select blocks.
Obs.: The game is currently in Indev stage, that means: Bugs, unstability...