
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Neat game! I included it in my Ludum Dare 38 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)

I always like these types of games. Its a very tried and true concept that Ive seen since the early days of flash on places like Newgrounds. I really think you could very easily expand on this game and flesh it out with its own personality and release it. You’d just need to build out the graphics and gameplay mechanics a bit. But since you’re in space you have a veritable forest of references to draw from. Like portals, sentry robots, and even black holes that arc your characters trajectory. I think you should run with this concept.

Beyond that the gameplay in this version is basic but I didn’t have any performance issues. It played well and recorded real well. I think the only thing I was really disappointed by was just the lack of space artwork in the background. Space is super easy to do. Just toss in some stars, a little UFO that wanders in the background and you’re golden. But thats a pretty minor criticism.

didnt run on my computer


Asteroid Hopper

Version: 1.0.1almost 8 years ago


Version: 1.0.1about 6 years ago

This game got 10th in the fun category!


You've crash landed on an asteroid belt, will you survive?

Playthrough/review by Larry Chupacabra!

Welcome to Asteroid Hopper! This game was made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 38, the theme was small world. I decided to make a puzzle game where you are an astronaut navigating an asteroid belt. The mechanic is similar to the ice sections in Pokemon. I had a blast making it, let me know what you think!

  • 15 Levels!

  • Puzzles!

  • Screen shake!

Ludum Dare page:
Timelapse video:

Tested on Windows 10 only.
#LD38 #LDJAM #LDJAM38 #ludumdare #ludumdare38 #compo

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