
Comments (14)

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Just so you know, you're able to combine all your packages into just one single package. Just upload all the builds into the same release and it'll serve the correct build to the user depending on their OS.

nice job on the dev

When trying to launch the Linux build nothing seems to happen. So I launched it from a terminal and got this (first line is the command I used just to launch the game):

"./Atex Brawl.x86"
Set current directory to /home/nicholas/.config/game-jolt-client/Games/atex-brawl-348427/default-366343/data/Atex Brawl Linux v0.23
Found path: /home/nicholas/.config/game-jolt-client/Games/atex-brawl-348427/default-366343/data/Atex Brawl Linux v0.23/Atex Brawl.x86
Mono path[0] = '/home/nicholas/.config/game-jolt-client/Games/atex-brawl-348427/default-366343/data/Atex Brawl Linux v0.23/Atex Brawl_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = '/home/nicholas/.config/game-jolt-client/Games/atex-brawl-348427/default-366343/data/Atex Brawl Linux v0.23/Atex Brawl_Data/Mono/etc'
Logging to /home/nicholas/.config/unity3d/Innuendo Squad Studios/Atex Brawl/Player.log

I left the terminal open for a few minutes to see if something else would happen but it just sat there until I manually closed the terminal. My Gnome System Monitor shows the "Atex Brawl.x86" process running.

The game on steam? Not bad!


Atex Brawl - Multiplayer Mech Brawls

Version: 0.0.25over 6 years ago

Action packed mech brawls, weird game modes, and vegan friendly weaponry.

Play with up to 8 people online, or test out your loadouts in the single player practice match.

There are 3 main, simple features for Atex Brawl:
-Build! Use the in-game level editor to build your own custom arenas.
-Customize! Slap on whatever parts you want to suit your playstyle.
-Fight! Square off in a multiplayer arena against your friends in game modes that have no business being in a mech game.

Be sure to join our discord to arrange games and yell at the developers.

We're also running a small Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for server costs and cash prize tournaments.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence

Final public build!

New public build!