Comments (5)
A very odd game but fun game ill give it a 3 or 4
Where's the download button?
Bacon Game Jam: It's worse when you can't see them
I've updated it so the instructions are more clear. I've also addad an exploding zombie and you can see the score at the top. Also you can now right click to move towards the mouse and also the health bare's work unlike the last version and a new background. Vote for it here: + sorry but there's a glitch i can't fix that youhave to close the game to play it aggain and start it up that is because the torch dosen't follow the player if the game is reset or go back to the game room where you shoot zombies.
Instruections WASD to walk.
Left click to shoot
Right click to walk towards mouse.
You will look at the mouse,
You can only see inside the flashlight.
More instructions in the game