Comments (18)
good and simple ..
the turn is too much .. maybe less turn angle better
Send me a PM and ill give you the encrypt password
Hey i could help you out with 3D models if you ever need some help :)
This is my feedback on V5
Likes & Dislikes
The wheels on the new vehicles are missing the susspension effect.
When you click on the play button it instantly clicks on the one wheeler vehicle. This makes it difficult to select the vehicle you want.
If possible you should add some sounds or at least some background music.
The menu is not the prettiest but it is a good feature.
The barrier that keeps you from falling off the edge
The vehicles no longer glitch through the ground when you crash into a wall.
Other than the graphics the game is pretty good. The car could be a little bit slower, you should add new cars and more maps to play on. I think it has good potential. Keep it up !
bad physics car
bad physics car is game where you can have fun and do what ever you want
and if like it follow this game because it will update when i make new features.
there is 12 car in game