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Bad Trees

Version: 1.0.0about 11 years ago

Bad Trees is my first game made with RPG-maker VX Ace, also I tried to discover the different software functionalities with this project.

The game was made with the basic ressources from RPG-maker and is just the first shot of the idea I have in mind for a big complete RPG.

The gameplay and game systems are very simple, the principal aim of that project, in addition to learn about the software, was to tell a story I wrote some time ago.

If people are interested enough in this game, maybe I will develop it "for real" : using personal ressources, adding gameplay, making the story longer and deeper, adding secondary quests and so on...


Controls :

directional arrows - move the character/navigate in menus

enter/space bar - interact/select an option

escape - open the menu/cancel an option

shift (hold) - run (forbidden inside buildings)

One more thing: don't forget to save your progression from time to time, you're not in one of those modern games where the "Game Over" screen doesn't exist. ;)

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Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language

New Game !