
Bad Dream's and Coonie's Horror Attraction
Our Horror Attraction brings terror and nightmares to life using top of the line animatronics, using recovered memorabilia and possible paraphernalia from past locations, like "Coonie's Fun Palace" and "Dream's Dismal Dance District." Taking items to create that atmosphere along with new elements to add a unsettling feeling of uncertainty. In this bone chilling experience there are two modes. "NightGuard Mode" in which you defend against the animatronics with controlled shocks and doors. Once you finish the nights as Security Guard, a new mode will be playable. "Contender Mode" in which you are a teenager who's taken the challenge of getting through the labyrinth with your body still in tact. in "Contender Mode" instead of having doors and shock panels, you have a flashlight and your wits. You need to combat the killer robots using your flickering light, and your ability to be sneaky and fast. There are not BAD and GOOD endings but, there is the Contender ending that awards you with a virtual t-shirt saying "I SURVIVED BAD DREAM'S AND COONIE'S HORROR ATTRACTION!!!" In the NightGuard ending, you get a virtual Badge. Both items can be seen on the main menu once exiting the main game.
#horror #action #survival #pointnclick #strategy #fangame #fnaf