
Season 0 will start on the first day of the demo and will feature the two new characters alongside Ball and Beth's new styles. The demo will have content made for the season to get you and everyone hyped up for the full release! Stay tuned for more info.

What exactly is a Ball Game and how is it remixed?
Ball Game REMIX is a breakout/pong clone with a focus on being as wild as possible. Ball Game REMIX follows 8 playable characters trying to see who can be the best at the Ball Games. Follow them through 3 levels, the Gym, the Arena, and the Office to see if you can come out on top. Fight many enemies, many who have their own special perk to help spice up the battle. Be prepared for anything and watch out for the bosses.

Has Got Features?
ye i think
* 3 SinglePlayer levels jampacked with content
* A Versus mode to test your abilities against another local opponent
* 8 Playable Characters each featuring their own art, animations, and SUPERS!
* A funky breakcore styled soundtrack by an EzekielWonders
* Bosses to challenge the player
* And much much more planned with future updates...
#retro #scifi #other #breakout #cartoon #funny #localversus #multiplayer