
Ball Revolution
Ball Revolution Touch
Ball Revolution Prototype
The Fifth game in the Ball series. But this time with a Graphical upgrade, Levels, and more... #Breakout #other #clickteam
You can now access the Extras menu.
Minor bug fixes and major bug fixes.
Minor visuals have been updated.
The game now runs in the Direct 9 Display Mode.
Added the ability to mute the games audio by pressing 1 on your keyboard. (Press 2 to unmute).
Minor bug fixes and optimizations to enhance the users experience.
Added the option to switch between 30fps and 60fps in the Extras menu.
Minor bug fixes and added a new level.
V-sync can now be turned on in the Extras menu.
Removed the ability to turn V-sync on or off on the title screen.
Game now runs at 60 fps when you first open the game.
Fixed level 2 soft lock where the Ball gets out of the play area.
Minor bug fixes and optimizations to enhance the users experience.
The game now forces anti-aliasing which makes things like text and certain objects look a lot cleaner.
Minor bug fixes and optimizations to enhance the users experience.
Added a new rare soundtrack into level 4.
Minor improvements in the Extras menu.
Minor bug fixes and optimizations to enhance the users experience.