
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Thanks you so much for making this game. I will play the full game.

hi, big thx for the great demo :) greetings from germany

hi again ;) big thx for the game. great job. greetings from germany


Welcome to BASHED.os! The Operating System that is purposely used for holding private information without using any type of data-transferring to past by! No connection to the Wi-Fi will never EVER work. At least properly.

Why is it useful? BASHED.os is useful for small managing uses, not once will you ever be hacked, not ONCE will you ever be tracked! Unless manually installed to the HDD provided to you. The hacks of course, will never happen. Other than that, everything provided to you will start with a notepad, and a file-browsing system! What's useful? To keep these files hidden, and protected. These will be used for slight hidden purposes. Making a movie? Make sure nobody gets access to this! Save to the HDD, and hide the device!

In BASHED.os, you manage to find a HDD stored with this OS, and luckily for you.. This works! Seems someone was using this for trade, yet they didn't hide it well, now did they?

On the installed HDD, you will access more than what it is supposed to carry, yet a certain file has a password with a file that only one person is supposed to know. You are carried to find the password hidden and located in the computer. Now, isn't that nice?

#horror #strategy #scary #deepweb #spooks #unity #unity3D #Indie #spooky #story #free #guessing #hard
#puzzle #fnaf #pointnclick #survival #arcade #action #adventure


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Sexual Violence
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Crass Humor

Already close to another update to http://BASHED.os! And.. Very close to a FULL release!

Here's a teaser. :)

Uploading http://BASHED.os v.04!

Hey everyone,

life isn't going good at the moment, and I'm starting up a little Patreon. Any supporters will receive nice prizes, and along the FULL release of http://BASHED.os isn't that nice?

Really, anything helps.

Working on the latest update,

Hey everyone, updates are being managed and along something big coming along soon for the game.

I have a Discord for the game now, so that is enjoying. Come on in and ey! Share those videos! <3

Issue has been fixed, and properly managed. Please download this version to keep it steady and ready.

The next update is soon. Fixing up some AI issues, and along adding some new stuff,

thanks for downloading http://BASHED.os


thanks for the downloads!

But, I'm about to release an update, regarding two codes having the same number on it. Meaning players get confused, apologies to this. But I have the update coming along

Thanks everyone!

Heya, uploading the V.03 Beta now,

- Added the "Photos" tab on the file browser,
- Added the How To Play on the menu,
- changed up loading!
- Added some new documents, find the codes!
- Changed up some of the documents, search all again!

Record~! <3

Added another patch, had a big game breaking bug that was my fault, and added another download, so if you just downloaded and bugged on Twinzies, please. Download this and try again, everything works!

Here's your patch for version 2, all details are in game in the menu, have fun eh?