Comments (40)
I downloaded this months ago but only got time to play it recently.
I have travelled pretty far but got stuck in a room where Space Jump is needed. I picked up the space jump boots but it's not registered in upgrades list and looks like Samus doesn't have it .
That should be fixed but there are other bugs I discovered as well:
1. Varia suit isn't removed from the statue after taking it once
2. When HP is low, missile counter will go red instead
3. Frozen bush enemy can still shoot
4. Yellow door next to Samus leads to room below

5. Wave beam will stuck on switchable metal gates causing loud noise and inability to shoot.
6. In shot above, Samus is invincible permanently due to something. Sorry, I didn't know the cause and now Samus is stuck with that bug in my saves.
there is a trick that allows you to regenerate life and missiles and it is by pressing space
Hi, I feel like I'm stuck at a certain part of this game. In Zebes, I've gotten to an area with 3 doorways to other areas. The doorway at the top I can't seem to reach though no matter how much I try to jump and the other doorways below require the morph ball to explore which I don't have yet with the suit. Is there a way to progress that I should look for or am I meant to progress in the unreachable top doorway? Thanks.
Metroid Fan Made Full Game
This is a fan made version of the NES game Metroid. As usual keeping a lot of the original game's style and play mixed with my own style. But using mainly Super Metroid soundtrack since it was so good! Metroid is a 2d open world exploring finding upgrades to get you access to other areas of the world. #fangame #other #action #adventure #platformer #retro #scifi