Comments (156)
Soon,someday I will edit game a bit,maybe I won't do it better a lot then it was,but I will try upgrading in-game atmosphere and some gameplay aspects if this will be possible...
Very interesting concept and lots fo details. From only inconvinience I can point out the objects are hard to grab (maybe it is a part of gameplay?) especially to take something out of garbage can. Very interesting locations, nice atmosphere, graphics is on point as well. Maybe more objects? Anyways, great job man! Cudos
im the only of think this game can be more good whit multyplayer?
эта игра легенда.Помню как играл в неё эта атмосфера пустоты и безисходности.все высокие дома придовали ей свой шарм. я смотрел предположения что автор погиб от болезни и я не верю в это может просто он решил не продолжать свою игру и жить своей жизню. хоть и хочется увидеть её вторую часть но она врядле выйдет. хочу сказать что в новогодние вечера смотрел видео по ней и играл в неё ведь она придовала новогднее настроение.и как я понял смысол игры показать как некоторые не довольны в новый год а где то мёрзнет маленький безпризорник. эта игра навсегда останется в моём сердце помню свою первую ночь и как меня убил маньяк и в ту ночь я не спал из за того самого маньяка.хотел бы знать что случилось с автором спустя восемь лет его пропажи.я слышал легенду про зелёного снеговика который был добрый и мог привести тебя в кафе и ты тогда выйграешь.я из россии и всё в игре похоже на мой город (москву).но я заметил что там к сожалению невозможно выжить это сильно меня разачировывает.думаю я единственный кто пытался разбить ветрину со сладостями и хлебом. ладно думаю я слишком затянул с коменнтарием и хочу сказать всем хорошего настроения я люблю вас и автора игры.всем пока.
This game is a legend. I remember how this atmosphere of emptiness and desolation played it. All tall buildings gave it their own charm. I looked at the assumptions that the author died from an illness and I do not believe in this, maybe he just decided not to continue his game and live his life. although I want to see its second part, but it is unlikely to come out. I want to say that on New Year's evenings I watched a video on it and played it, because it gave a new mood for the New Year. and as I understood the meaning of the game is to show how some are not happy in the New Year and somewhere a little negligee is freezing. this game will forever remain in my heart I remember my first night and how a maniac killed me and that night I did not sleep because of that same maniac. I would like to know what happened to the author after eight years of his disappearance. I heard the legend about the green snowman who was kind and could bring you to a cafe and then you will win. I am from Russia and everything in the game looks like my city (Moscow). and bread. okay, I think I too delayed with the commentary and I want to say everyone is in a good mood, I love you and the author of the game. for now.
Beneath the Cardboard - Population Update (Recommended)
Beneath the Cardboard (Mac) - Population Update
Beneath the Cardboard (Linux 32 and 64) - Population Update
Beneath the Cardboard
Beneath the Cardboard - Population Update (Quick Play)
(Press F1 for ingame help!)
(Game Under Development. Currently working on a polished version with new graphics and reworked mechanics. Sorry for all the bugs! Also, please keep in mind that this game is not meant to be played in a browser unless you have good internet speed and a good computer. Please try downloading it)**
Hey there! This is "Beneath the Cardboard", my 30-days Christmas project.
**It is a free Christmas/winter themed homeless survival game (with let's say, some tiny horror touches).
The game is mainly inspired by the sorrowful life of those children who live on the streets, especially the so called "aurolacs". They are the abandoned kids of Bucharest who live inside sewers, in parks, sometimes inside apartment buildings and around The Northern Train Station. They burn garbage and sleep underneath cardboards in search of warmth. The label "aurolac" comes from a gold-ish looking paint with hallucinogen effects which they pour inside plastic bags and inhale. You have to survive the most cruel of the holidays, the one when Santa only brings you frostbites and... perhaps a bottle of "frost chimeras" too if you were nice enough. Beware, death awaits at every corner. The weather gets colder and colder, the winds more and more fierce and your stomach... Empty as always.**
The nights are chilling and you can't survive unless you build yourself a miserable shack out of the garbage you find or sleep in a more protective, enclosed area (and not in direct contact with the ground).
The main goal is to maintain your body temperature above 36 Celsius. The air temperature, contact surface and wind are the main factors which will drop your temperature. If your temperature tries to go below 36 degrees Celsius, you start converting Energy (which you gain through eating) to heat. You can conserve the heat by protecting yourself from the wind, staying out of the clear ground, keeping in contact with warmer surfaces (like cardboard, sewer caps, benches...) or staying in range of a fire.
You can set things on fire with matchsticks (which you find in the trash cans). Be careful, cardboards on fire can create a chain reaction, setting other cardboards on fire, so you don't want to burn your own shelter.
The mechanics will be further explained through pictures.
The goal is to survive 3 days, up until Christmas. If your temperature drops below 35 degrees Celsius, you die. The day is very short (5 minutes daylight, 5 minutes night) so you'll have to hurry.
The project has been started on 21st November and this is what i've done so far.
I'm a single guy and school ate most of my days, so i'm sorry if the games seems rough on the edges.
You can find some pictures on my Google+ page :
Anyways, please tell me your opinions, any suggestions would help me greatly.
Thank you very much for your time,