Comments (2)
You my firend have seen yal's work. I'm a fan of this engine too. Great game though
Besus and the Game Engines

After picking up Gamemaker: Studio in a Humble Bundle, I immediately saw the potential in the engine. Coming from a Unity/C# background, I was hesitant but soon found that it didn't take too much to transition to the Gamemaker/Gamemaker Language world. Naturally having example projects to learn from helped immensely and allowed me to complete this game (which I feel turned out pretty well)! And yes, I know that the indie market has more than enough 2D platformers. :-)

Indie game developers have it so easy these days! With the multitude of game engines available to them, it takes far less work to crank out the project of your dreams than it used to. This however doesn't sit well with our old-school, stuck-in-his-ways antagonist. He scatters the game engines across the lands and you are tasked with recollecting them; the independent game scene depends on it!

Collect a range of power-ups to assist you.
Jump, double-jump, duck, run, and swim your way through the host of enemies and obstacles.
7 different levels - many with multiple areas.
System requirements so low, your old computer in storage could (probably) run it.

Twitter: @StudioBesus || Development Blog