Comments (16)
This is way to Underrated, this is great and it deserves more
It's not mentioned in the description but this game can be categorized as metroidvania
It has some bugs but if played carefully, they can be avoided. Good metroidvania!
It's done everyone. Thank you so much for sticking around.
Game Soundtrack
Scratch Menu Music
Here's a quote from the website:
"It focuses on an unnamed character who is guarding a high security science facility floating in space when a mysterious event takes him to the future. Dazed and confused, he falls off and lands on the surface of the planet Knochel XI. Your goal is to help Scratch find his way back to the science facility. As you explore deeper into Knochel XI, Scratch will gain several new weapons, such as the missile launcher and flamethrower. Scratch will also meet new adversaries, such as Moebus, a lava dwelling being with a tough exoskeleton. The player will be able to take the Scratch weapon from this creature. This weapon allows you to switch dimensions at the touch of a button, adding another aspect to the game."
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed