Comments (15)

Repay your 【Generosity}【Again】

I made they with some clay,I wish you like it!
1/10. no spamton ass.
Inverted Fate - null_5
As soon as I saw this I KNEW I had too play this 10/10. Also I love how Pap-Bot was just fanon Papyrus with extra Spamton
Inverted Fate: null_5 [Undertale AU Battle]
This is the playable version of null_5 in Inverted Fate!
WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE INVERTED FATE AU. For the best experience, read the whole webcomic first, or at least watch null_1 through null_4.
We advise not skipping any credits sequences and digging through all the files in Chapter 59's interactive page.

WHAT? WERE YOU 3XPECTING [[The Absolute God of Hyperdeath]]? WHO NEEDS THAT [overgrown weed] WHEN YOU CAN HAVE EV3RY BUDDY 'S FAVORITE [[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]]?
EAHAHAHAHA... IT'S BEEN [56 Days] OF [grey skies ahead]! YOU CAN'T HAVE [Creepypasta - Scary Stories and Original Horror Fiction] ALL THE TIME! IT [Gets old].
STILL [Hit itself with confusion]? THIS ISN'T [Your Mama]'S [Alternate Universe]! I'M NOT SOME dARKn3R... WHATEVER THAT IS. Y0UR 'RE LOOKING AT [[Advanced Artificial Intelligence]] AND [State of the art robotics]! AND NOW THAT THE UNDERGROUND IS [It's free real estate], I'VE [Grand Reopening] ALL OF H0TLAND! THOSE [Gender: Other] KIDS ARE IN FOR [Wild Ridez and even W1lder Prizes]!
IT'S [Fun for the whole family]! AND IF YOU [still don't got it], JUST R3AD THE [Inverted Fate Chapters]!
Inverted Fate Website | Inverted Fate Blog | Inverted Fate Askblog | Fireglobe Productions | Inverted Fate OST | Inverted Fate Discord | Inverted Fate Secrets
Welcome to null_5, the second playable chapter in Inverted Fate's final arc! This is an interactive version, released simultaneously with the canon video version.
Programming by Philiplol, the original titlescreen concept by Mildred, with assets modified by Dorked, and music by Emasti, Spudward, and Philiplol. Lead sprite artist is Dorked. Additional sprite work provided by SuperKirbyLover, SoupTaels, Mrky, and Depresso. Logo by Pearlymint. Credits animation by X51 and Philiplol.
Q: Why is Spamton here?
Read Chapter 59 to understand. His background lore is given in the interactive terminal on page 27 in the quarantine folder.
Q: But he's a darkner!
In Inverted Fate, Spamton is a self-aware AI given a robotic body, not a darkner. No other Deltarune Darkners have Inverted Fate counterparts, so at this time, there is no Jevil, Queen, Rouxls, etc.
Q: I'm confused! Why is Chara like this? Why is Frisk talking? What's going on?
This is all explained if you check out the existing story content of Inverted Fate. However, Narrator theory is canon to IF, and Frisk has been a talking protagonist from the start.
Q: Why does Chara have magic?
Humans used magic to make the barrier. Thus, it stands to reason they can learn. Chara tried to learn magic during the three years they lived with the Dreemurrs, but are by no means an expert. Feel free to play around with their spell commands and have fun!
Q: Who's that girl? Is she the purple SOUL?
No. That's Lilac. She's first introduced in Chapter 38 of the comic in a flashback.
Q: When is the final battle?
Not for a while. Inverted Fate's final story arc is very ambitious and broken into two major sub-arcs. Null is the first, and is seven chapters long. The rest of the final arc is very beefy
Q: How many endings are there?
Just one. You can't kill anyone, but you CAN use fight if you want. There's a lot of optional dialogue and interactions in this fight.
#fangame #Undertale #Spamton #Frisk #Chara #UndertaleAU #InvertedFate #Inverted_Fate #rpg #undertale
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans