
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Why does this look so good! Lmao 😭


Very cute and simple, but fun! It was the first game I checked out in this cute game compilation :)



Version: 1.0.0about 4 years ago

So, I wanted to make a wholesome, cute game that I could put on my resume. It took me about 2-3 weeks, in my free time, to finish this game. I ended up liking this one more than I thought I would. I hope you do, too.

I made this game by myself, including code, models, animations, design etc. but that doesn't mean I was alone. I'd like to thank my girlfriend, whom I normally partner with in game projects, for her support and input in almost every step of the way. And my good friend Caner, who did an excellent job in QA testing in such a short time, and really helped me improve the game feel with his great ideas. I'd also like to thank my family for letting me use their computer to make this game, since I couldn't get a hold of my laptop. :-)

ok enough with the oscar speeches, here are the amazing artists that provided me with their music/sfx/fonts:





swipesy cakewalk by E's jammy jams

promoted by Chillpeach

#arcade #retro #cute #wholesome

important edit : i actually made this game like 2 months ago but apparently i forgot to click publish lol anyway enjoy

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