
Comments (14)

What do you think?

It was hard to beat the evil king, but I finally made it... with a curve ball (or hundreds of them). The story was weird. It all started with fighting a dog, then a hunter and finally a baseball pitcher. I suppose they were all under the command of the evil king... possessed by its power. It will be fine to check the collisions of some attacks, because some of them feel unfair (specially the arm attack of the final boss).

Visuals aren't bad, and the color palette is nice. But the sound effects are annoying, and they didn't help with the feedback, because enemy attacks sound the same as the playable character's attacks. Having just sound feedback when hitting enemies was kind of interesting, but maybe they should sound different as the enemy approach death to reinforce the progress made by the player. A screen shake every now and then can help too.

It will be helpful to have the tutorial button available during the gameplay, not only in the main menu, because I missed it in my first try and had to learn the controls by trial and error. Didn't know there was a support move until I read the tutorial after defeating the final boss.

This kind of games is not my cup of tea, and I had a hard time understanding the controls.

Ah, I'm not good with such games, sorry. I played it as far as I could (a knight). Maybe you could put the text from the tutorial also in the game description here on the game page? I guess this might help some players, at least I was confused by the controls. :)

Thanks for making a Windows build available! I'm glad you've expanded on the adventure aspect of it qutie a bit more than in your last game that I played.

I'm terrible at combat and reflexes, so this game is really difficult for me to play. I managed to find the (I think) end boss, but after 15 minutes of fighting (most of which was healing, because he hits so hard), I don't think I scored even a single hit on him. It's hard to tell, because there's no life bar for the enemies.

Path is an adventure game where you go down several paths to get to the evil king. Every choice you make affects gameplay so, choose wisely. Warning: this game is not a horror game, but may still include imagery giving you the spooks. There are also a total of 4 secrets/Easter eggs in the game for you to find. Some are harder then others.

#adventure #retro #shooter #advjam2021 #decisionbased #arcade

The tutorial is found by pressing the T button on screen.


W or (↑ comes out with ver2) makes you move up on your side.

S or (↓ comes out with ver2) makes you move down on your side.

Q or (LMB comes out with ver2) makes you use your attack move.

E or (RMB comes out with ver2) makes you use your support move.

At a choice use R for the choice on the right, T for the choice in the middle, and Y for the choice on the left.

⚙︎/esc button takes you to the menu.

Please press the T button in the menu for the full tutorial.


Due to a bug that is out of my control, there has to be a backup save system. To load a backup save press the L key on your keyboard(Do this right after loading). Backup saves are made every time a boss is killed or the room changes. You can besides one exception use the K key to force save a backup save. That exception is in boss fight rooms, in a boss fight room you have to beat the boss first.


This is based on my accent so, just a warning there. zh is said like the s in measure(Or for the linguist nerds like me [ʒ]). lr has a few options; you can say lr as lr or go for l made where r is at(Again for nerds [l̠]). ah is said like the o in dog but as far back as possible from there[ɑ̠~ɒ̠]. jy is said like the y in yes maybe more movement in the front[j~jʲ̟]. ar is said a little different it is like er but the back or body is in an open position[a˞].

Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

I would greatly suggest joining the discord for Zion arts as it will be where I offer updates more often, you can see what else I am doing, and you can chat with me about any question or suggestion you may have.

I have failed you all and I am greatly sorry. This sadly seems to be a theme with my game dev I always need to finish a game, but once I start losing the pressure to do so it all falls apart. Hope you all enjoy a new year even if I messed up

Look I am very sorry about my inactivity on the progression of the update, but I have been busy, and distracted with other things. My passion for working on the game is low atm so it is hard to get myself working on it hope you all understand!

I have been working on other game projects the last few weeks, and I won't be able to work tomorrow. I will also need to renew my apple game dev license, before I can publish it, so, it may be awhile.

The japanese translation is 100% done(Besides the builds) Next is spanish than I will build them and the release