Comments (13)
I wanted to play but it wouldnt open >_>
Awesome, and like a new user i can't say is the best game i've played but i loved it and i got it in my computer. :3
really relaxing & fun.
you should make an iOS version of this. and in case that sounded like a suggestion, I'll have you know that it wasn't. I'm telling you to get Corona and make an iOS version of this immediately so I can pay you a dollar for it.
Lol, this isn't THAT great of a game :P
It's very well presented and the graphics and gameplay are good.. but it's kinda boring, eh? All you do is shoot other bitmen.
I agree with BK, this needs more attention.
A small arcade game I made in 3 hours which depending on who you ask may or may not contain philosophical metaphors
Balanced the game out a bit and added some sweet music by Kupa