
Blackjack with Jack Black
This is based on the extremely popular casino game but gives it and interesting twist. This game features a guest appearance from Jack Black
himself. Many Jack Black quotes are included while you play.
Rules of Blackjack:
You have to get as close to 21 as you can without going over. The maximum you can bet is £500. CLick Hit Me! to get another card, Raise to
increase your bet, Stand to finish your turn and Surrender to quit the current round, recieving half of your bet back.
The dealer can also have a maximum of 5 cards, and will keep being delt a card until their total is over or equal to 17, or they have a higher
total than you. If the dealer goes bust, or the dealer ends on a lower score than you have, you win the game, getting the dealer's bet and
your own. if you have the same total you each get your bets returned, and if the dealer gets a higher score than you, you lose all the money you
betted during that round.